Monday, February 20, 2012

Stop and Smell the Flowers

Absolutely beautiful!  Our neighbors across the street encourage wild flowers to grow for about 2 months each year in the spring.  It is the most beautiful sight!  Every morning we open the front blinds and this is the view we get!  This year we took Madison, JJ and Morgan over to capture a great photo opportunity!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Morgan Shea Turns 2!

Madison is always full of great ideas.  An idea to celebrate Morgan's second birthday was one of them - The Phoenix Zoo - Morgan loves animals - perfect!  What a beautiful day it was!  The sun was shining, the weather was perfect, after all it is Phoenix... even Grandma Paula and Grandpa Marc were there to help celebrate.  Morgan loved the animals - she pointed them all out to her sister and brother and waved bye-bye as we left each exhibit.  We topped the afternoon off with cake and ice cream, of course.  It didn't take Morgan long to figure out the best part - blowing out the candles...over and over and over again.