Monday, November 26, 2012

We really can't wait until we can post something exciting and good, but unfortunately today is not the day.  On Monday, Dec. 3 and Wednesday, Dec.5 Lori will be undergoing two more surgeries for her leg.  The first will be a bone biopsy to check for any infection that may be preventing the bone from healing.  The second surgery will be a bone graft, taking bone from the hip and grafting it into the lower leg/ankle area.  We are hoping and praying that this will "kick start" Lori's body into healing the broken bone.  We will update the blog later next week with an update on her recovery.  It will be 4-6 weeks before we know if the healing is taking place and no more surgeries are needed. 

In honor of the season, we are so thankful for all of our family and friends.  You have all surrounded us with love, support and prayers.  We appreciate you all so much!  Thank you and we love you!


Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Morgan, Madison, Abigayle, Noah, Nathan & JJ

What a fun night we all had!  Madison dressed up as Laura from Little House, JJ as an army soldier and Morgan dressed as a 50's girl.  As tradition has it, we went up to our good friend, Julie's home.  The streets were crowded with kids.  The older kids exercised their independence and hit as many houses as they could, while the adults lingered behind enjoying our adult visiting time.  Morgan loved getting all the candy and refused to share her bag with anyone!  Julie's yummy chili topped off a great night.