Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Simple Pleasures

It has been a busy few weeks in the Nordican household.

We celebrated Madison's 12th birthday this past weekend with pottery painting and sleepover - Of course a party wouldn't be complete without nail painting, hair crimping and lots of giggling until  2 am!

This also marked Morgan's first painting experience.  She seemed to be a pro...she chose a puppy (her favorite) and painted for about 1 1/2 hours straight!  What an attention span!  Of course, we think she had approximately 18 coats of paint on her little doggie head... he may be a little 'top heavy' when he's complete!

This past week also brought the yearly 6th grade Renaissance Faire - a very fun day with booths set up and many "wares" for sale.  Part of this study included the annual castle making.  Madison's creation included sugar cubes - LOTS of them and spray paint.  Her moat was made from Elmer's glue and food coloring - it worked great (a little helpful hint for those lucky parents who haven't had the opportunity to create one of these yet)!  Here is her finished product:

Well done, my girl!

Renaissance Faire 'Wares'