Tuesday, May 8, 2012

She's Bald!

You Seinfeld lovers out there enjoy that one!

So it finally happened...the hair started coming out so we made a night of it and shaved it all off.  Each one got a chance to cut a chunk and buzz a little too.  It was definitely emotional for Madison and JJ, but we just reassured them that this is a sign that the medicine is working. 

A little support for our wonderful
military who make sacrifices everyday
to protect us!
 It's a hard thing to watch especially given that this is the most obvious change with all the medications, but they are now used to seeing the bald head.... and we've reminded them that rubbing a bald head brings luck....we certainly need a year of that!

The important thing is that Lori is still feeling good, except for a sore mouth which is a very common side effect of the medication (specifically the Adriamycin - which she only has 2 rounds left of).  This will get better with the next round of meds.


You always hear that the longer couples are together the
more they start to look like one another...but this is
 ridiculous!  At least mine will grow back!  Sorry Honey!  Hee! Hee!