Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Lego Mania

For the last couple of years, JJ has been obsessed with Legos.  He owns many cool Lego "sets", but in all honesty, the best creations are the ones JJ comes up with himself. 

He creates safes with many secret locks, gumball machines, M&M machines (which actually take money to work), 

labyrinths and his newest creation - the duck boat (which parallels his other obsession - History and World War I & II).  Ingenious!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Successful ABC Festival

Madison and her friend Abigayle have been working VERY hard over the past two months organizing a fundraising event, the "ABC Festival" standing for ALS and Breast Cancer.  Abigayle has an uncle who is battling ALS and since Lori is battling breast cancer they came up with the idea this summer.  The girls spent many evenings on procurement, organizing volunteers, jumpers, games, raffles, food, etc...  October 6 it all came to fruition with great success.  We were incredibly proud of their hard work and persistence. 


Lori went back to the Ortho doctor this week.  Unfortunately the bone is still not healed.  It seems to be progressing very slowly (which could be from the chemo).  The good news is the doctor does not want to do surgery at this point, but instead give it more time.  So...6 more weeks of the same (non weight bearing, walker, bone stimulator and recliner...).  We're really hoping now that chemo is done the healing can progress.  The doctor said 8-12 months of healing for this type of injury (a little longer than we had thought originally), but he still expects full use.  At this time we just continue to pray for no surgery and healing on its own. 

Friday, October 5, 2012

Chemo is Done!!! Woohoo!!!!!

Lori had her LAST chemo appointment yesterday.  What a celebration!  The nurse sang to us and threw confetti and although is was a cute, fun song it brought tears to our eyes!  "Chemo is done, no more needle no more pokes, on with your life off you go...." (to the tune of Looney Toons - clever!). 

We must compliment the nurses and staff at the clinic.  They are so amazing.  They take a very yucky experience and make it as positive and enjoyable as possible, but in all honesty we are so glad NOT to have to see them on a regular basis anymore. :)

First Chemo Appt.

Last Chemo Appt.

Admittedly, a few changes in a few short months - hair loss and lots of weight gain (about 35 lbs!!!).  Gotta love those steroid effects - round face and round belly!  We remember all too well with Madison. 

Mom got the cute shirt - it says, "Yippee! No more Chemo for me!".  It was a big hit yesterday.