Friday, October 5, 2012

Chemo is Done!!! Woohoo!!!!!

Lori had her LAST chemo appointment yesterday.  What a celebration!  The nurse sang to us and threw confetti and although is was a cute, fun song it brought tears to our eyes!  "Chemo is done, no more needle no more pokes, on with your life off you go...." (to the tune of Looney Toons - clever!). 

We must compliment the nurses and staff at the clinic.  They are so amazing.  They take a very yucky experience and make it as positive and enjoyable as possible, but in all honesty we are so glad NOT to have to see them on a regular basis anymore. :)

First Chemo Appt.

Last Chemo Appt.

Admittedly, a few changes in a few short months - hair loss and lots of weight gain (about 35 lbs!!!).  Gotta love those steroid effects - round face and round belly!  We remember all too well with Madison. 

Mom got the cute shirt - it says, "Yippee! No more Chemo for me!".  It was a big hit yesterday.