Friday, September 28, 2012

Lori celebrated her .... yikes.... 40th birthday yesterday!  Nice relaxing night with dinner in and yummy cupcakes!

Then on to a busy weekend and week ahead.  James and JJ are heading up north for a Cub Scout campout.  The girls will be having a girls weekend with some friends.  Madison and her friend have been working very hard on a fund raising carnival for ALS and Breast Cancer.  They've been organizing jumpers, games, food, etc...  Quite a tiring undertaking for two 11 year olds, but they've been doing great!  Madison has a choir concert, carnival, and then on to a good friend's wedding. Busy, but a good busy!

Not a whole lot more to update on the medical end.  Still waiting patiently for follow up x-rays on Lori's leg (October 9) where we'll find out if the stimulator worked.  Last chemo next week (Oct. 4) - yeah!  Then no cancer doctors for 3 months - woohoo!  What will Lori do with her extra time??? 

Madison joined me for my Chemo appt and helped celebrate
my birthday with cake at the clinic.