Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Merry Christmas!

We hope everyone is getting into the Christmas Spirit! We wish all of our wonderful family and friends a very Merry Christmas. It's amazing to us how quickly this year has gone. As we look over this past year, we know we've faced many challenges, but we've also have witnessed many blessings as well.

Although she never got to come home with us, we consider Marissa a true blessing, and we celebrate her little life each day.

Madison's year has been a year of change. Elementary to middle schooler! She transitioned well and has demonstrated amazing organization skills and independence. She has such an amazing heart, is so incredibly honest and compassionate. She has been a tremendous help this entire year. With another clean bill of health for her this Sept, we are again so grateful for our health.

JJ has made a great transition to his new school and seems to enjoy it very much. It is a challenging curriculum, but he has worked hard and it has been fun to witness how much he has achieved. He continues his obsession with legos and creates things that continually amaze us.

Finally little Morgan. Oh how she has grown and despite her stubbornness, she is finally beginning to talk. We call her our mini blond Madison-they have such similar personalities and get along great. The toddler years are so fun and she makes us laugh often!

James continues to be incredibly busy, not only with his career, but also his new household tasks he wasn't expecting to have to manage while Lori is down. He does the laundry, makes some mean take out and provides high quality nursing care!

After a scare last week when the home nurse accessed Lori's port incorrectly (the fluid ended up in her neck tissue instead of into the bloodstream so back to the hospital for a fix), things have calmed down and Lori is receiving the strong antibiotics (the doctor calls them "Gorilla"myacin) through the port in her chest. Hopefully by mid January the infection will be cleared up and we can move forward with another biopsy and the bone graft.

We are hoping 2013 will be a year of health!
Love to all!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

A Few More Setbacks

After the bone biopsy Monday, we have discovered that there is a slight infection in Lori's ankle bone. A bone graft cannot be done in this condition so she had another surgery similar to Monday except instead of taking a bone biopsy, the doctors will fuse antibiotic beads to the impacted area using a medical grade cement. The antibiotics will leach into the bone over a period of time. The surgeon also said he took some extra time to visually inspect the bone and despite this LONG non healing time, the bone is still looking good and healthy overall which makes him feel better about her chances of ultimate healing. In addition Lori will go back into surgery today to reinsert another port to administer strong daily IV antibiotics. Bummer since she just had the chemotherapy port removed just a short 4 weeks ago, but the port is safer than a pic line so whatever it takes to get the infection cleared up! After 4-6 weeks of antibiotics, they will go back in and perform another biopsy. If the infection is clear the doctors will then go ahead with the bone graft. She is still in the hospital but expected to come home tonight.