Thursday, December 6, 2012

A Few More Setbacks

After the bone biopsy Monday, we have discovered that there is a slight infection in Lori's ankle bone. A bone graft cannot be done in this condition so she had another surgery similar to Monday except instead of taking a bone biopsy, the doctors will fuse antibiotic beads to the impacted area using a medical grade cement. The antibiotics will leach into the bone over a period of time. The surgeon also said he took some extra time to visually inspect the bone and despite this LONG non healing time, the bone is still looking good and healthy overall which makes him feel better about her chances of ultimate healing. In addition Lori will go back into surgery today to reinsert another port to administer strong daily IV antibiotics. Bummer since she just had the chemotherapy port removed just a short 4 weeks ago, but the port is safer than a pic line so whatever it takes to get the infection cleared up! After 4-6 weeks of antibiotics, they will go back in and perform another biopsy. If the infection is clear the doctors will then go ahead with the bone graft. She is still in the hospital but expected to come home tonight.

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