Friday, March 23, 2012

Modesty? Not at our house!

Pictures are worth 1000 words - just don't tell me which words you're thinking for this one!  Madison snuck into the bathroom to snap this picture right after my surgery.  Although it's not a pretty sight, I thought I'd throw it on our blog to show all of you how well we're doing!  I've been resting often, but also getting the opportunity to visit with family members in town helping. 

We met with the plastic surgeon yesterday and got two of the tubes removed.  Lori still has two "boob tubes" (not to be confused with  the television term - ha!  Okay... bad joke...) in for drainage.  Those should come out next week. 

After meeting with the Oncologist today, Lori will be going in for surgery to put the port in during the next week or so.  Chemotheraphy will start in approximately 3 weeks.  Two of the medications will be given via IV through the port every three weeks for 6 sessions.  The final medication Herceptin (targeted specifically for the HER-2 positive result) also via IV port will continue every three weeks for 1 year.  With this specific kind of tumor, the doctors are saying there is a 70-80% cure rate, not quite what we were hoping for (the 98% breast cancer cure rate sounds so much better), but we're fighting hard, and not letting it get us down.