Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Great to be Home

It is wonderful to be home! Things are getting back to "normal" or at least as close as can be expected at this time. Lori has to spend much of her time in the recliner with her leg elevated. Patience is proving to be her biggest virtue right now! A home nurse comes every other day to change bandages and physical therapy is twice a week at this time. Bandage changes are pretty gruesome, not painful, but the wound is pretty grotesque at this time - doesn't even look human, but it's amazing what medical procedures can be done. We never would have dreamt a silly leg break would be so involved with 18 days in the hospital and so many surgeries! Now we're just focusing on healing. 6-8 weeks of non weight bearing, and doctors say 6 months and she'll be back to "normal" function. Right now a typical day includes sitting on the recliner...keeping leg elevated...dangling leg...sitting on the recliner...going to the bathrooom...sitting on the recliner...dangling leg...sitting on the recliner. Not too exciting, but doctor's orders!