Monday, August 13, 2012

First Days of School

Madison and JJ both started school this past week.  Madison is officially a middle schooler, and obtaining a locker was the highlight!  She was excited to start school 3 weeks ago, and we're so proud of her organization and excitement for learning.

JJ entered 4th grade this year.  He wasn't as thrilled about starting school as Madison, but had a great first week and is liking it and getting into the routine of things - especially more homework this year.  Unfortunately, he is missing his first day of school after only 1 week due to strep.  Poor guy, but he'll be getting back into the grind tomorrow!

It has been extremely hot here - hitting in the 110's and lots of monsoon action.  Luckily we haven't been spending much time outside due to the heat and Lori's injury.  Not too much excitement there - Lori's leg is healing very nicely.  The doctors switched the bandaging so the wound is drying out and finally starting to look human again (not like the hamburger meat it once looked like - we'll spare any pictures!  For those of you curious ambulance chasers - hee! hee! You can view some similar photos online if you google 'split thickness skin graft'. This is a process they use for severe trauma like burns or unlucky broken lower legs).  Lori's chemotherapy also started back up this past week and we're back to the countdown - only 8 more weeks to go.  Doctors are keeping a very close eye on things to be sure the chemo does not compromise the healing process or cause infection of any kind.  In about 2 weeks Lori will begin putting very small amounts of weight on her leg, then work up with physical therapy.  There may be one more surgery involved to smooth out the leg scaring, but for now we're just patiently waiting to see how the healing takes place.  If we can skip yet another surgery, we would be thrilled!  For now, it's more sitting, leg exercising and doctor visits.  Hopefully by Christmas things will be back to normal, and 2013 can be our lucky year!