Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Answers Today are Yes!

Ask and you shall receive...right?  Well, sometimes the answer is yes, sometimes no and sometimes...wait. 

We are so thrilled to say we've have two yes answers to our prayers recently! 

One, Lori's BRCA 1 & 2 testing (the genetic tests that links breast, ovarian, pancreatic among other cancers) came back negative.  What a blessing for her parents, brothers and our children to not have to worry about this highly increased risk of those cancers!

Two, after Lori's chemo treatment this past Thursday, she has felt great.  Other than a slight headache and some clutziness (which many of you know Lori wasn't exactly the most graceful girl on the planet to begin with!  Ha!! :) things have been going nausea, hair loss yet, etc...  The nurses say the truck should be hitting around day 5,6 or 7 but we're determined to miss this truck!