Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy...

Lori went in for port surgery at 5:30 am, surgery at 7, then home by 10 am.  That's the way to do it! 

Lori's port surgery went off without a hitch.  They placed it on the right side just below the collarbone.    The doctor made a small incision, then inserted a small port.  It's a little odd having a foreign object under the skin that you can feel and see (the outline of it anyway).  The port will be used to administer all of the chemotherapy medications and blood draws.  This avoids having to start an IV for each visit.

On a fun note, my cousin Teri, Madison and I went to see the movie Hunger Games...not sure if Madison watched much of it since she plugged her ears and closed her eyes during a lot of the movie :)  It was an interesting movie - like a violent Survivorman.  Although a little gruesome, had an intriguing storyline.  It was very nice to get out of the house - made me feel human again! 

We've set up our revolving doors again, Teri went to visit family in Las Vegas and California, then will head back home to Annapolis Easter Sunday. James' mom, Jean flew in Monday night to help for the month of April.  We are so appreciative of all of the help!