Thursday, April 5, 2012

Lori is not "normal"

For those of you that don't already know, Lori is not "normal".  Ha!

After three pathology test runs on the tumor, our doctor has labeled this tumor as "odd".  The first biopsy showed a full Her-2 positive testing, however after further testing of the entire tumor, the tumor is presenting only 5% Her-2 positive so.... given this new information the doctor has decided to change Lori's chemotherapy regimen.  They will be following a regimen for Her-2 negative patients, but then the final 3 months of  treatment, will administer the Herceptin to kill any Her-2 positive cells that may be present. 

Glad to see they are covering all of the bases, but it's always a little scary when your case is labeled as an "odd" or "not a typical" case.  Our doctor told us he even consulted with various doctors around the state and on the east coast to get the regimen right!  We never realized how far reaching Lori could be! 

On this new plan, Lori will be receiving chemo every 2 weeks for 4 cycles, then 1x/week for 12 cycles beginning April 12th.  After that it's a little unknown - waiting to hear more from the oncology nurse.